
National Treasures Act

  • Protect, defend all ages and bring justice onto those who seek to do harm to our precious future. Tougher penalties upon guilty findings under the law. Trafficking of children, Sex offenders/pedophiles up to and including murder must be dealt with immediately and harshly. Evil will never end, but we can lay upon it great and equal punishments.

  • Their Oath didn’t expire upon leaving service, nor should their healthcare and benefits. To include first listed priority for mental health counseling, housing and employment before ANY illegals. Also, heavy penalties for civilians fraudulently portraying an active duty or veteran soldier – commonly known as “Stolen Valor”.

  • When a senior member of our country dies, a library closes forever. A wealth of knowledge, the good and the bad, teaches every one of us. We must make sure our parents or grandparents are keeping in good health, mentally and physically. We do this by NOT cutting, EVER, Social Security. Perhaps an increase to that return is warranted, since it has always been THEIR money. That money taken in faith that they could retire and actually live their days lively. Just like our children, we must protect and defend our seniors against physical and financial harm. Levy harsh penalties upon the offenders.

  • The Bill of Rights is KEY against tyranny, the exact points of freedom our founding fathers fought for. We must protect this or fall to Communism.

  • The Second Amendment clearly states "Shall not be infringed". "To preserve Liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them." - Richard Henry Lee, The Federalist Papers.

  • Joe Biden doesn't need Congress to act, since he has already used tyrannical Executive orders to open the boarder in the first place. Sole ability, yet deflects and blames. This has allowed illegals, criminals, terrorists and drug cartels to flood our country with a cloud of imminent death hanging over us. Simply put, it is a factual invasion of the United States with no deterrence. Rape and murder of our women, children and vulnerable senior citizens. Massive illegal drug amounts of fentanyl and most recent, 1 METRIC TON of liquid heroine seized in Oregon. The Senate border bill is absolute trash and should never see daylight out of chambers. It is just a War package for the military industrial complex and supporters. The money all goes to Ukraine, Israel, internal administration laundering and NGO's for kick-backs. Draining hard earned American tax dollars every day. The bill STILL allows for Biden to reopen the border as he sees fit, at any time. ENOUGH!

  • I support LEGAL immigration. Use the front door, the legal ports of entry! Mass deportation is the only remedy to this devastating destruction of what America stands for. Not one more dime to other countries, sans strictly humanitarian aide, until we have re-secured our great sovereignty.

  • Sovereignty over any other country or organization, to include NATO, WHO, WEF. The United States Constitution does not allow for ANY foreign authority over US citizens.

  • Our economy is #1 in everyone's mind. President Trump had the United States set up for continued growth and success until Biden and the hired help sent us down fast. Drill our own oil, which regenerates faster than used and is the 2nd most amount of liquid on the planet next to water. Use our own resources. STOP giving away US taxpayer dollars to other governments to boost their interests instead of our own! I absolutely support abolishing the corrupt IRS Administration and have a flat tax of 5% that Senators Ted Cruz & Rand Paul have suggested.

We are eerily experiencing ALL the warning signs and preliminary actions of FASCISM. Evil always accuses the other side of that which they are doing. Progressive Democrats and weak "RINO's" have done this to Conservatives at every turn, pandering or supporting:

 -Destruction of religion & faith

 -Gun confiscation

 -Identification of enemies as a "unifying" cause

 -Disdain for Individual rights and sovereignty

 -Control over energy and resources

 - Controlled MASS media and communications

 -School indoctrination of our youth

 - Attacks on free speech and 1st Amendment rights

 -Warrant less spying and home invasions, lack of "due process"

- Doomsday fear mongering

-Fraudulent elections

Under the Biden Administration, to include Elizabeth Warren as a lackey of Socialism supporting the scam of America;

-Historic inflation crisis

-Purposely botched Afghanistan withdrawal, resulting in loss of BILLIONS in weapons, equipment AND 13 American military personnel killed

-Record high gas prices in ALL 50 states

-Prolonged supply chain disruption or destruction, disguised as "accidents"

-Strategic oil reserve sold off to enemy countries

-Record high personal credit card debt for Americans

-Lowest test scores in decades among K-12 students

-Record high criminal acts and homicide rates in a dozen major US cities

-Highest vacation rate than any other President in modern history

-Energy dependence and sky high energy bills

-WORST border crisis on record

**Weaponization of Federal Government assets against political opponents

And since I mention Liz Warren specifically - As of 2023, Warren NET WORTH $73 MILLION. A salary of $285,000 USD. Yearly income of $4MILLION+. Annual expenses $420,000+...looks like someone has some explaining to do.